Express Abstract and Title
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What Is Title Insurance?

The simplest way to explain Title Insurance is to show how it differs from other types of insurance. We typically understand insurance as protecting us from some event that “may” happen in our future. Usually you pay a monthly premium for this type of insurance. Title Insurance is different. It is the only type of insurance that protects you from something that may have already happened in the past.

Title insurance is necessary and protects you from more than you might think. Title Insurance is a protective measure an individual or lender can take to prevent what could be a future loss from defects or hidden errors, liens or encumbrances in the chain of title.

You can’t just hope that a deed wasn’t forged decades ago. You can’t just hope that there aren’t missing heirs, or any fraudulent activity. We at Express Abstract don’t just hope, we’ll do the work and back up the possibility of the unseen errors involved. So, your investment will be protected.

Title Insurance will protect you against the claim of what normally would result in a financial loss. Title insurance is paid as a one-time premium, at closing, and lasts for as long as you or your heirs have ownership interest in the property.

Express Abstract can help safeguard your investment.

Why Do I Need Title Insurance?

There are two basic types of title insurance policies. To understand the two types of title insurance policies, you must understand first that there are two types of policyholder’s involved in any real estate transaction.

For instance, if you are an individual looking to refinance your home, your lender most likely will require for you to purchase title insurance in order to protect their investment. This is what is called a “Lender’s Policy.” Another type of title insurance is recommended in order to protect your individual investment or as the owner. This is called the “Owner’s Policy”. An owner’s policy remains in effect as long as you or your heirs retain interest in the property.

An Owner’s Policy is the best way to assure that you, the owner, are protected against any claims that may arise.

The Lender’s Policy is issued to protect the lender, the bank, or any other lending institution over the life of the loan. It assures that they receive the benefit of their loan to remain in first lien position while their investment is secure.

Express Abstract will do a thorough search of all public records in order to assure that there will not be any claims in the future. If claims do arise, our professionals will work hard to resolve the title issue or will reimburse you for your losses. Having title insurance will allow a quick, simple process in the title transfer process, it will eliminate frustrating interruptions and setbacks, allowing the most expeditious negotiations when you are ready to sell or acquire a loan.

Express Abstract wants to simplify things because we know your time is valuable and so is your investment. Let us take the guesswork out of it. Let Express Abstract help. We’d like you to rely on us. Please, call us today.

We look forward to it.